• NOVEMBER 1, 2021
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    Improvements for LTC, is it the dawn of a new era?

    Originally posted @allaboutestates.ca This month there has been several very interesting announcements relating to Long Term Care. On a Federal level, Kamal Khera is the new Minister of Seniors.  Mr. Raymond Cho, continues on as Ontario Minister of Seniors…

    • OCTOBER 25, 2021
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    Feuding Families

    Originally posted @allaboutestates.ca Why can’t we just get along? While the focus of many disputes has to do with money ( and likely the majority that proceed to trial), my interest is with the disputes that occur on the care side. What I have seen in my…

    • OCTOBER 20, 2021
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    Does This Sound Familiar

    Originally posted @allaboutestates.ca Son:     Mom, turn a light on, it’s getting dark outside. Mom:   It’s ok, I’ll just sit here in the dark.  Son:     Mom, it’s cold and raining outside.  I will call a taxi for you. Mom:   It’s senior’s…

    • OCTOBER 4, 2021
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    Turkey, Dementia and Giving Thanks

    reposted from allaboutestates.ca Thanksgiving is next Monday so I thought I would share a blog that highlight some tips when visiting with family, who you may not have seen for a while.  If you live in a different city than your parents, the time spent together…

    • SEPTEMBER 27, 2021
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    Balancing Work and Care

    Originally posted @allaboutestates.ca As school resumes and as businesses  are starting to offer the option of going into an office, I thought I would address another important topic, which is balancing work and caregiving. I always review my previous blogs…

The Carer’s Planning Guide
