For Carers

Many Canadian families are now grappling with the challenges of caring for aging parents. Our health care system in under strain and resources are scarce. Perhaps you are an adult child who is concerned about how your parents will live and be taken care of as they age. Or perhaps you are entering a stage in your own life where you want to know more and plan for how you will live as you age. It is wise to know the options and plan in advance.

Possible scenarios where we can help..

You have a parent with declining health

Your parent(s) are living independently for the most part but you are seeing that they are “slowing down” and you worry about their safety and ability to manage on their own. You may be spending increasing amounts of time worrying or actually doing things for your parents. Perhaps you feel an obligation to personally organize and handle all their needs? Is your time stretched because of this and you are feeling the stress and fatigue of all the demands in your life?

You have a family member currently in need of care and demands are increasing

You have been handling your loved one’s needs and been spending a lot of time but now the needs are increasing. You are not able to handle it all yourself and you need help navigating the system to access additional services and you need to understand all the options.

You are not prepared for a sudden health crisis that may strike your parent or partner

Do you worry about how your family will handle a sudden health crisis that hits your parent such as a stroke, heart attack, dementia, sudden immobility due to a fall? If both parents live together in their own home, can one manage alone while the other is in a health care facility?

You are aging and you want to investigate options for living well in the future

Are you aging and thinking about moving from your current home into a place that would better meet your needs? Are you overwhelmed about how to investigate all the options? Are you unsure about what services you will need in the future and how to access them?

The Carer’s Planning Guide
