Estate Lawyers and Mediators

If you are a lawyer or mediator dealing with elder law issues, family, estate and personal injury matters, Elder Caring Inc. has the expertise and experience to provide a professional opinion.  If there are conflicts between Powers of Attorney or you need to know if your client is managing safely in their current environment, we can assist. Audrey is a Canadian Certified Life Care Planner and has been an expert witness in the Courts of Ontario for both defense and plaintiff counsel.

The Functional Living Assessment™

The Functional Living Assessment™ is an assessment tool that puts aside family differences and focuses on what should be crux of the matter- mom’s or dad’s care needs. The end result is a comprehensive analysis that documents the areas of need and concern, quantifies what is required and makes recommendations based on the knowledge and expertise of an objective and experienced professional who understands aging, elder care needs and community resources.


Rather than being caught up in the rehashing of long lost promises and childhood hurts, this is an extremely valuable tool that refocuses the attention on to the older individual and their needs. While we continue to strive to put family members on the same page for a plan of care for mom or dad, we can all agree that sometimes families lose sight of this important issue. It often takes the wisdom of an experienced lawyer to recognize the need for a functionally based assessment that can objectively outline the older person’s care needs and which provides recommendations that are in the older person’s best interests rather than in the interests of the disputing children.

Our best compliment: when lawyers need assistance with their own families, they call us. They trust us with their own families and with yours as well.

The Carer’s Planning Guide
