April 5th is National Caregiver Awareness Day

Originally posted @allaboutestates.ca

Happy Monday.

Last week’s blog stressed the importance of recognizing the gift and sacrifice that Canadians caregivers provide to their family and friends on a daily basis.

April 5th is National Caregiver Day when we recognize the nearly 8 million Canadians who care for family and friends who have chronic health conditions, disabilities or functional limitations. Look around, 1 in 4 Canadians provide unpaid care to a family member or friend.   And if you are back in an office, note that 35 % of employed Canadians  (your colleagues) are also providing caregiving and trying to balance – everything.

Young caregivers also need recognition.   An earlier study  highlighted that 12% of those surveyed considered themselves to be a caregiver.  Today, that number has increased and now 20% of young people identify themselves as being a young carer.  Elder Caring partnered with the Vanier Institute and produced “Lucky, The Young Carer Rap”  to help spread awareness.

While carers need recognition and support on a daily basis, I am highlighting a number of educational events that are happening tomorrow.




Elder Caring just celebrated its 18th birthday – which means as an organization I have formally been supporting caregivers and their families for a very long time.  I continue to be proud to support caregivers and their families every day.  Please join in tomorrow to celebrate carers and acknowledge their wonderful contributions and challenges.


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