Fall 2012 ENews

A Word from the Managing Director

Welcome to October! A time of season change and for many, a time to start new projects. However, before starting something new, it is important to take a moment to pause, reflect and appreciate the moment. For caregivers, adding any new project can sometimes feel overwhelming. I frequently blog on caregiving issues and the need to look after oneself remains constant. Sadly, most caregivers wait 5 years before seeking assistance or until they reach out for professional help when ‘things get really bad.’ This leads me to the next topic- which hopefully will make it easier for carers and care recipients to get the help they need.

Social Work Coverage

As of September 26, 2012, services provided by a Registered Social Worker can now be claimed as a medical expense tax deduction for income tax filing purposes.
In other words, Registered Social Workers are now authorized ‘medical practitioners’ for the purpose of claiming medical expenses. Our geriatric care services, when completed by one of our registered social workers, is now tax deductible.

To access the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) chart list of professions in each province and territory that are authorized, click on the following link:


You can find more information at the following link: www.cra.gc.ca/medical.

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