Wanted: A Few Good Men and Women


We are looking for:
*Single adult, age 65 plus and
*in good health and
*fiscally responsible and
*family history of stroke, diabetes, Parkinson, dementia, (fill in the blank) and
*no adult children living close by or no adult children with whom you are speaking or
*no family or no family closeby with whom you are speaking and
*wants to remain as independent as possible and
*does not want to burden friends/family with care planning and/or caregiving.

Does this sound like you or anyone you know? I bet it does. Welcome to a service that is individually tailored to meet your needs.

We have recently been approached by individuals who would like to know that when their time comes, they can rely on the expertise of a professional to ensure that their wishes will be heard and Wellness Plans™ prepared that ensure that they are living as well as they possibly can and that their medical and health needs are being properly addressed and planned for.

These are individuals who do not want to rely on family who they may feel do not have their best interest at heart or do not want to burden them with their health and caregiving issues.

Engaging the services of a professional geriatric care manager in advance is an excellent way to plan and proceed. Ensuring that the expert of their choice’s involvement is part of the paperwork for the Powers of Attorney is a prudent way to ensure that they are planning responsibly to minimize the stress on themselves and others while maximizing their knowledge, choices, and confidence that their finances will be used for them and their care needs- when they need it.
A great way to give peace of mind to yourself and others. Speak up for yourself now and we can ensure that your voice is heard later- when you may not be able to!
-Audrey Miller

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